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How we got here...

Foster Love with Beef is a program that was born out of love, and grief. In 2019, after 5 years of infertility, my husband and I opened our homes to foster care. It had been on our hearts for a long time, and we felt that the timing was never going to be perfect so we jumped in with both feet. We were blessed to have 6 kiddos in our home. When the first group of kiddos was about to leave and we were trying to explain to the 5 year old that was with us why they were being moved again, he said to us:

"So you are protectors from God and love all kids?"

He was so right. Even though it was hard, we knew we would say yes again. And we did a few months later. This time, the kiddos stayed with us much longer. One of them, for the next 17 of his 19 months of life.

As our foster son transitioned home, there were so many mixed emotions. During the time he was in our home, we welcomed our daughter as well. We lived a lot of life and had so many dear memories with our foster babes. It was hard. And beautiful. To see his mom work so hard to get him back those last few weeks was something I’ll never forget. During this time though, my heart was aching for what I knew was going to come. Our family and friends were hurting too, and we were unsure if we would ever be able to say ‘yes’ again. When you’re fostering, your village is so important. During the transition, my husband and I kept thinking how we could continue to be involved in the foster care community, but maybe in a different way. We are ranchers in the Nebraska Panhandle and found the kids in our home really enjoyed nights when we cooked with our homegrown beef. They also loved to learn about ranching and caring for the livestock.


A few days after our foster boy returned home, Foster Love with Beef came to mind. It was perfect. Local ranchers making a difference in the lives of those providing and in foster care. Nutritious beef for these kiddos and families to enjoy, all donated. We reached out to a few friends and family members to gauge interest, and within a few short weeks, Foster Love with Beef was a reality.

Foster Love with Beef has been a blessing in so many ways. Not only to the foster families and kids in care, but for my mental health too. I’ll admit, I was in a dark place after our little guy returned home, but this program gave me hope. It helped me to see the good and to continue to be involved in a community that means so much to me.

Years later we are still going strong. Expanding and providing more beef year after year. We are looking forward to continuing this program and would love to visit if you’re interested in starting it in your area ♥️

Counties we Serve


  • Arthur

  • Banner

  • Box Butte

  • Cheyenne

  • Dawes

  • Deuel

  • Garden

  • Grant

  • Kimball

  • Morrill

  • Scottsbluff

  • Sheridan

  • Sioux


  • Converse

  • Goshen

  • Niobrara

  • Platte

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